6 Reasons to Trust eReleases/ A single article can generate massive traffic and thousands of dollars of sales. | House Student Work


The full story:

ico-online.png1. We’re the only full-exposure, nationwide partner of PR Newswire, the oldest authentic press release newswire.

How that is different? Lots of places try to fake you out by calling themselves a “newswire” when they are not. Here’s another critical point: PR Newswire is dedicated to sending press releases.
Did you know that the Associated Press and UPI newswires use their wires ONLY for content their reporters write? Well they do. They also have services to send other stuff, but here’s the problem: The other material technically gets “sent” but it’s buried deep where journalists under deadline in newsrooms do not bother to look. That’s why we choose to go with a true, dedicated wire for press releases.


ico-user.png2. Our staff consists of real editors who are on salary – no commissions or sales pressure.

How that is different? Other PR services have commissioned salespeople whose job it is to sell and upsell you, or they don’t eat. Our editors are trained in journalism, and they don’t have the pressure of commissions.
When they give you advice, it’s because it is good advice and not some sales tactic.

ico-crosshair.png3. Our PRTrue Lists™ have a 94% delivery rate to hand-selected journalists covering a wide range of industry niches.

How that is different? The sad and little-known truth is that many cut-rate online press-release services will send your release using addresses in “editor@newspaper.com” format. In other words, they have no contact whatsoever at the newspaper, so they send it to a generic address. Of course it gets spam filtered and never reaches an editor or journalist. But they can claim that they sent your release to the newspaper.
Do you see why some
6 Reasons to Trust eReleases/ A single article can generate massive traffic and thousands of dollars of sales. 6 Reasons to Trust eReleases/ A single article can generate massive traffic and thousands of dollars of sales.

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