Common Futures Conversations: Join the Community of Young People from Africa and Europe! | House Student Work


Tired of feeling disconnected from politics? Feel that you have views to share on the major issues shaping our world? Chatham House is building a diverse community of young people from across Africa and Europe to join an international exchange with policymakers.
Common Futures Conversations is a new initiative developed by Chatham House and was made possible by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Its goal is to deliver innovative ways for young people in Africa and Europe to engage with politics. Through an online platform and a series of local events, the project will provide young people with a ‘seat at the table’ in major policy discussions.
The online platform was created with a network of 27 young people from 13 countries across Africa and Europe. It builds on the results of a survey of African and European youth conducted in January 2019. Read more about the project and the survey.
What Does a Common Futures Conversations Participant Do?
Common Futures Conversations’ online platform will help you to develop your ideas on key global challenges like climate change, conflict or inequality. You will engage with experts, discuss your own experiences with friends from across the continents, and share your ideas with high-level politicians and policymakers.
Every month our community will discuss specific challenges facing Africa and Europe (for example, youth unemployment or over-use of fossil fuels). At the end of the month, there will be a live virtual event with a senior policymaker or politician. You will have the opportunity to dive deeply into the background provided by our experts, develop your own ideas on how to address the challenge in question and collaborate with the rest of the community to perfect them. You may also have the chance to take part in offline events in either Africa or
Common Futures Common Futures Conversations: Join the Community of Young People from Africa and Europe! Common Futures Conversations: Join the Community of Young People from Africa and Europe!

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