Ms. Geek Africa Competition 2020 for Young African Girls (Cash prizes plus funded trip to Transform Africa Summit) | House Student Work


Ms. Geek Africa 2020 Application
2020 marks 4th anniversary of Ms. Geek Africa, a competition inspired by Ms. Geek Rwanda, aimed at inspiring more girls into Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by devising solutions to challenges faced in their community and across Africa. 
Finalists undergo an intensive training program conducted by successful entrepreneurs. The training equips them with presentation, public speaking and critical thinking skills to prepare them for the competition. Ms. Geek Africa is selected by a panel of judges upon successful presentation of their solution. She receives a wide range of prizes including a cash reward, phone, laptop, tablet, a trip to an international technology event and more. 
Smart Africa partnered with Girls in ICT Rwanda to expand the Ms. Geek competition to all member states and we have now crowned three Ms. Geeks hailing from Kenya, Niger and DRC. All finalists have equal opportunity to learn and prepare for the day, and each of them will go home with a laptop and other prizes. The top three winners will be awarded cash prizes. They also get an opportunity to participate in the Transform Africa Summit where they interact with many industry leaders and their governments. All expenses are covered for all selected finalists.
Application for Ms. Geek Africa 2020 is open until Saturday, February 29th at 5pm (CAT). Girls in ICT and Smart Africa Secretariat shall select the best solution from every country to participate in the finals. Finalists shall present in two rounds, after which Ms. Geek Africa and two runners up shall be rewarded during the summit.
1. Girls between the ages of 13 and 21 years old
2. Be as a citizen of one of the Smart Africa member states: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, DRCongo, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and Uganda.
3. Contestants must be available to travel to The Republic of Guinea between April 19th – 23rd 2020 for training and Transform Africa Summit.
1. Your application must describe the problem you want to solve, how
Ms. Geek Africa Competition 2020 for Young African Girls (Cash prizes plus funded trip to Transform Africa Summit) Ms. Geek Africa Competition 2020 for Young African Girls (Cash prizes plus funded trip to Transform Africa Summit)

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